Intiassa kuu on kuumempi...? Porvoon kuu näyttää tältä 1.11. n. klo 17. Miten nämä kallistuskulmat oikein menee?? Ottakaa kuvia kuusta! Tänään aurinkoista ja iltaa kohti pakastuvaa - nyt -1 astetta (klo 22).
lauantai 1. marraskuuta 2014
tiistai 28. lokakuuta 2014
Some Picks Along The Path
India is interesting. In many ways almost a desperatively endless source of cultural, political, geographical, historical and - well, basically you just name it - information.
So layered, so vast.
Now after some days here feelings and thoughts are going here and there. It's very hard to get a hold even from your own thoughts after seeing and experiencing so much in such a short period of time.
Everything is mixed. The rich and the poor, overwhelming politeness and hospitality and extreme rudeness. In a country with almost one billion inhabitants everything has utmost extremes at both ends.
And almost when you enter the country all this hits you in the face.
Layers go deep even to the smallest details: When travelling by bus, the co-driver goes and buys flowers to put them on the miniature altars in the bus. And because there are both christian and hindu among the staff, of course the flowers are set on both: over the cross and over the figure of Ganesha.
The thing here is that you just have to cope with everything and everybody. You have to find a way to manage with all layers. Even if you happen to be the third richest man walking on the planet Earth, you still have to go together with the poorest of the people.
There are many things you can appreciate at home. Everything is somehow so solid. Only thing is that quite a big part of this solidity comes out of the fact that we walk in the world eyes half shut, closing our eyes from the uneasy truth that as the world becomes smaller also its different aspects come to affect our everyday life. To cope, to survive in the future we must retain some - maybe quite a big part - of the present solidity to increase the tolerance.
For example environmental issues would require abilities to tolerate and accomplish very big changes in minimum time and to have patience to take small steps and to see their cumulative effects during a long lapse of time.
Thus the slogan of our hosting school has a very deep and profound meaning: Ut prosim. That is "to serve you".
Mixed in the waves of thoughts,
lets goa
Goalle tulimme 15 tuntia kestaneen bussimatkan jalkeen..melkein kaatosateeseen. Seuraava paivakin meni sateen merkeissa. Retkeilya sade ei kuitenkaan kauheasti haitannut. Viimeisena paivana saimmekin lopulta aurinkoa. Kavimme delfiineja katsomassa mootttoriveneella Coco Beachilla ja sen jalkeen Calanguten rannalla shoppailemassa ja muutamat uimassakin mukavassa aallokossa.
Ekstremematkailua Etelä-Intiassa
Goalla ollaan. Bussimatka Mumbaista alkoi perjantaina n. klo 21, perillä oltiin sitten lopulta puolilta päivin. Sateen vuoksi vuoristoteillä liikkuminen oli todella hidasta, bussin ilmastoinnin vuoksi matkustaminen aivan jäätävän kylmää. Kaatosateesta huolimatta ulkona oli yli 30 astetta lämmintä, joten ilmastointilaitteeseen kertyi vettä, jota tulikin sitten roppakaupalla yhden matkalaisen niskaan.
Hotellissa kaatosateen ja inhimillisen virheen myötä hissistä muodostui sadevesikaivo, ja hissikori nosti litratolkulla vettä kerroksiin. Mielenkiintoinen ilmiö oli huoneen oven alta tulviva vesi. Sisätsunami sopikin mukavasti päivän vesiteemaan.
Mukavuusmatkailuun tottuneelle melkoinen ekstremereissu.
Eilinen menikin enimmäkseen sadetta pidellessä, mutta tämä päivä näyttää jo monin tavoin valoisammalta. Matka kohti mausteviljelmää alkaa.
PS: Intian yllättävyyksistä sään suhteen kertonee jotain se, että Panchganissa, isäntäkoulumme korkeuksilla, lämpötila tippui sateiden myötä 38°C:n ennätyshelteistä alle kymmeneen asteeseen.
Hello Finland, we have landed
Text from 23.10.2014:
As you can see, the weather is extremely moist as the Indian Ocean shoreline is only couple kilometres away.
This may not be the most typical view of the city, but some traits of the Indian ambivalency can be seen.
Today is the center of Divali festival, the festival of light and harvesting of the crop. Let's see where we end up during the day.
Warm greetings,
Jarkko and Jouko
maanantai 27. lokakuuta 2014
We arrived inPanchgani, St Peters School, in the morning after travelling 12 hours by night bus from Goa and then by the schools own bus from Pune. We are now lucky with the weather. It has been exceptionaly cool in the previous days, but now its sunny. Met shortly the new principal who comes from Rajastan.
keskiviikko 22. lokakuuta 2014
keskiviikko 15. lokakuuta 2014
Seven students from Linnankoski Upper Secondary School (LiLu) and one student from Borgå Gymnasium (Bogy) will be visiting India 22nd Oct - 2nd Nov 2014 together with two teachers (Jouko Lehmuskorpi, LiLu and Jarkko Virtanen from Hatsala School, Kuopio).
Shortly our route will be: Mumbai - Goa - Panchgani - Mumbai.
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